Nx Monorepo Starter
Mutable Ideas LLC
Free Your Development Team
Speed is everything, and to win, tooling covering repetitive tasks will help move your web applications quicker.
Spend less time in project set up and scaffolding common UI tasks.
- Use generators / schematics to create full-stack applications in NestJs, Angular, Angular Material, and Tailwind with one command.
- Quickly create Angular Material Forms that share validation with NestJs
- Integrate with Firebase Authentication and NgRx Stores for realtime setups.
- Alleviate Tech Debt Across Multiple Projects using Nrwl's Nx tooling.
- Standards for pre-commit hooks to build, lint, and test before a git commit.
See How the Nx Monorepo Starter is being used at the NgServe-io YouTube Channel.
30-day money back guarantee
A zip file of the source for your Nx Monorepo Starter
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